9/11 inside job “impossible to conceal,†says Vladimir Putin â€" RT
Claims that the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 were orchestrated by US intelligence agencies are "complete nonsense," Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told attendees of a youth forum.
Channel 9 Exit Interview: Tina Moving to Xbox Team | Channel 9
Tina is leaving Channel 9 to join the Xbox team. In her new role, she'll continue to make great content for Xbox Live that you can watch on your Xbox. Congratulations, Tina! Xbox is lucky to get you.Tina's done great things on C9 over ...
9 Reasons to Op Boehner 4.0 Debt Deal | RedState
1) Obama gets his full lifeline, long-term debt limit increase that will take him beyond the election ($2.1-2.4 trillion), without making any transformational.
9 things to never say to your husband | MNN - Mother Nature Network
Avoid uttering these common phrases that could undermine your marriage.
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